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"Connecting the DOTS of TOTs/ANS" are the go-to seminars for practitioners and professionals looking to learn more about TOTs (tethered oral tissues) and the ANS (autonomic nervous system) and how they may impact a person.  If you are a CST, DC, DDS, Doula, IBCLC, Midwife, DBB, OT, PT, or SLP this is a perfect course for you!
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A robust and foundational TOTS education is waiting for you!

Sound like you?...

  • Confused by the various views on tongue and other oral ties?

  • Clarity on when and how to treat different ties?

  • Tired of parents not finding the breastfeeding/feeding resources they need?

  • Wondering how ties are formed?

  • Want to learn more about how to assess ties?

  • Want to know more about tie symptoms in breastfeeding moms, babies, kids, and adults?

Connecting the DOTS of TOTS

Development of tongue, brain, and nervous system, and how oral restrictions may impact the body and brain.

Observations of symptoms you may see in an infant & breastfeeding mother, and in pediatric and adult populations.

Techniques of assessing ties to determine the impact they may be having, classification systems, and current revision techniques.

Systems you’ll need to coordinate care in your community for optimal results!

Connecting the DOTS of ANS

DOTS of ANS is the requested deep dive for students who have already attended Connecting the DOTS of TOTS!

Development of the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) during critical periods

Observations of ANS (Autonomic Nervous System) imbalance with and without instruments and fancy equipment

Techniques and Technologies to help balance the ANS (Autonomic Nervous System)

Systems for developing a treatment plan and collaboration.


Upcoming Live Events

No LIVE events scheduled at this time.

Please check out our virtual options above!

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